Thursday, December 08, 2005

Louis Wain: King of the Cat Artists

There's a new page making the rounds about Louis Wain, a schizophrenic cat artist. In a previous incarnation of Superelectric, I wrote about schizophrenia and Mr. Wain's work. This new page about Wain's mental illness, which on digg goes by the tasteless headline, "See Someone Go Crazy In Front Of Your Eyes," follows the old practice of deceptively dating Wain's more and less realistic works to give substance to that headline. Regardless of his mental illness, the man did really quite lovely paintings of cats, and I encourage you to visit Catland and check out some of that work. Here is a more recent link to an exhibition of some of Wain's works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like what you wrote here. I totally agree about that tasteless and insensitive head-line regarding Louis Wain. As a fan of Louis Wain for over 10 years, I have begun to notice more of an interest in his art and life in recent years, but sadly, the focus seems to be more about his illness over anything else he ever did. To deny his illness would be silly, as it was part of his life and effected his art in interesting ways, but he did so much great work prior to his mental illlness, as well as fighting for and supporting cat rights, and animal rights in general and more. He also was a member of the anti-vivisection league too, and considering the era in which he was alive, Louis was way ahead of the times on that one! He did so much for cats, and his passion, respect, and love for them shined through all his art works. That's how I like to remember him, not just some 'nut case who did crazy drawings', as some people may imply. That couldn't be further from the truth as he was so much more than that. I found your post here compassionate and well rounded and that's why I wanted to reply. Also, I run a Louis Wain fan group if you're ever interested in joining. If so, you can go to: http://groups/
and if you would like to upload the article you wrote previously about Louis at the group, that would be a great addition. Either way, hope you can join.
Many thanks from Catland!
- Jane