Monday, February 20, 2012

Santorum: Liberals ‘are the anti-science ones’ | The Raw Story

“It’s so funny that this party that criticizes the right for being anti-science, but when it comes to the management of the Earth, they are the anti-science ones!” the candidate declared. “We’re the ones who stand for science and technology and using the resources we have to make sure we have a quality of life in this country and maintain a good and stable environment.”
Actually, science is totally neutral on the question of how much we should exploit resources. This is pretty simple, actually.

Science provides explanations and models for the real world. Science can explain how materials came to be in the earth, and science can help develop tools to extract it. Science likewise can likewise develop models to explain the consequences of that extraction. None of this information explains what we should do.

Of course, if Santorum loves science, he should have no problem accepting the scientific consensus on global warming and evolution. Of course, as a Republican politician, he won't.

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