Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Black Angel

sounds like it should be a porno, but it's a noir (ahem) from 1946 starring Dan Duryea (whom I know from Ball of Fire), some chick, and it has a little dash of Peter Lorre. It's a pretty happening little film, and it has a well-done twist to it, to boot. While the whole film is visually appealing, I wanted to single out one shot that I thought was nice.

Dan Duryea is standing on the street, looking up at the hotel where his (soon to be murdered) ex-wife lives. We see the hotel, which suddenly fills the frame as the camera flies up to the nth floor, through vertical blinds and into the lady's room. It's pretty slick for 1946.

As for the title, I have no fucking clue what relevance it has to the movie.

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