Thursday, April 27, 2006


So the official name of the next Nintendo console is Wii, which is pronounced:
  • "Whee!" - like we're having so much fun that we must oralize our enjoyment.
  • "Wee" - like "wee-wee," kidslang for piss.
  • "We" - like you and me, playing our games and having fun together, rather than one solitary gamer passing another long and profoundly unfulfilling night trying to beat that last boss, giving up somewhere shy of 5 AM, unsuccessful, more vacant than sad.
Which is to say that for the first hour I thought it was the worst name this side of "Dreamcast," but now I think it's weird enough that I kind of like it. It's like "Wifi" without the eff. You can spend as much time saying it as you like - "weee" "weeeeeee" "weeeeeeeee", adding emphasis where you like, "weeeEEEeeeeEE".


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